I am not sure what is going on, but two of my blogs are not getting updated in Technorati, whilst a third one is successfully showing latest posts and the Authority is climbing.
Of course, I have checked all three blogs to make sure that all three are setup the same way and to make sure that all three are submitted the same way. I did make a couple of changes yesterday to one of the at fault blogs and the other was only submitted yesterday, so maybe I need to be patient and hope it is all fine in the morning.
But, it does not feel like that! On my mind is, “What if tomorrow morning when I check the account, both blogs are still showing an Authority of 1 and no recent posts?”. I know that Technorati Authority doesn’t really mean much, or not that I have yet discovered, but it is one of those badges that you just have to get. Plus, by being listed in Technorati’s directory, there is a chance of other bloggers coming over this way.
Ironically, the site that is listed is the one that I thought would struggle the most! It is only about 8 weeks old and not yet showing many incoming links! You never can tell!