Can I Advertise My Blog For Free
Posted by Keith LuntApr 1
Is it really possible to advertise a blog for free? Is every form of suitable advertising going to be expensive and cost you a small fortune? Not so – here is why and what you can be doing!
A popular question and one that a lot of people ask. “Can I advertise my blog for free?”
Many people starting out in the world of blogging are doing so to make a little bit of extra cash that they so desperately need and paying for any kind of advertising is completely out of the question. Some people are even unhappy at the thought of paying a few pounds or dollars to register a URL. So, here are a few tricks and tips to use to advertise the blog for free.
Article Writing
This is probably the easiest way to promote a blog for free and very successful. Rewrite a handful of your very best posts as articles, aiming for a few hundred words each at least (I frequently aim for 500+ words) and then take a look around at some of the best article submission sites going, such as:
All of these should publish your articles for you and expose them to their readers. Some are excellent for driving their readers to your sites whilst others will improve your search engine ranking.
Guest Posting
The same idea as article writing, but a little more involved. Look out for blogs that are willing to publish guest posts, write some top quality posts that fit in with their criteria and send them off.
If they advertise that they take guest posts then do not bother emailing and asking if they are interested and then emailing an outline. Just send them a copy of the finished work. It makes it so much easier for them so they are more likely to accept your submission.
Again, this works because their readers see your post and some who enjoy it will be interested in reading more and visit your blog.
Joining Forums / Comments
Not, please, spam comments and forum entries! You can join in with forums and comments on blogs in a meaningful way. Make comments that add value to the discussion and do not fill the comment with links. A few readers will be interested in your thoughts and will know that they can click on your name to reach tour blog. Yet another way of attracting visitors from other websites.
There are more free traffic methods, such as banner swaps, but I believe that these distract too much from your own site, making it untidy, and in all honesty have a very tiny success rate.
These three ways are all about showing off the quality of your writing on high traffic blogs and attracting their readers to your website. But they also have something else in common – you must prepare your website first so that arriving visitors stay, read plenty of pages and then come back. You can find out more about that on out website.
Keith Lunt
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Thanks for the post Keith,
I have just joined up with and this forum is all about getting guest posts or guest blogging opportunities.
I am interested in guest blogging and getting bloggers to join my site as well.