It is not big secret that article marketing is great for SEO and traffic. However, if you have to keep writing a post for your blog and a post each for 20 article directories, can you really get through the writing?
The answer is to ‘repurpose’ content. In short, write a post, publish it to your blog and then syndicate it to various article websites, making changes as required so that it becomes a stand alone piece.
However, with talk of Google duplicate content filters in the past many people are frightened of this. But they shouldn’t be! Late in 2010 Google updated this filter and it now works properly.
It used to be that Google would gather together all websites with the same article / post and only include the highest PageRank website in the results. This was their arbitrary way of reducing loads of very similar content to just the one result. A great idea for people searching for content, but blatantly often unfair on the original source.
But with the death of PageRank (how else do you explain 1 PageRank update in the last year?) and Google moving onwards to a fairer system, it seems they have hit upon a method that works.
What seems to happen now is that they are paying more attention to links. If the same content appears on 10 websites and they all link to the same website, which is also displaying that content, then it is the 11th website that appears above the rest!
So if you re-purpose content and include a link back n your biography, you are forming this web of links and should be credited as the original source.
If you want to know more about this, have a read through the set of posts I wrote about duplicate content over on my web design blog. It follows an experiment I ran last November and my own page is still the first result of almost 100 results returned.