If you are starting a voucher code website then getting visitors to it is vital. Without visitors, you will have no traffic and no commissions. What are you going to do?
Provide something unique
At first, this idea might seem pointless. But it is well worth you spending a little bit of time in hunting down internet based shops that are reasonably well known, that do not have affiliate schemes. Then sign up to their newsletters and add details of their latest offers to your website. Why? Keep reading -we come to that in a minute!
Search Engine Optimisation
There are two ways here – the right way and the wrong way. The wrong way is to try to optimise your website for the same merchants as every other one of the hundreds of affiliates that are promoting that merchant. So the right way is the first use of those non affiliate merchants. Because they are not running schemes there will not be a lot of competition and you can quickly build up a good ranking for these merchants. Yes, they might not earn you commissions, but they are the initial draw for your visitors.
Get social
Create a Facebook page and a Twitter account and get social marketing. Post onto each details of some of your latest discounts each day and start following other people and trying to get people to follow you. Make sure that you include a reasonable number every day and again those non affiliate merchants are vital. These are what will get you noticed and draw people over to your website. Too many people are promoting the same group of affiliate merchants, so you can stand out from the crowd and get noticed by being different. There is no reason not to also go social on those that you are earning a commission for, just make sure you are getting the important merchants noticed!
Create some adverts
It doesn’t take too long to look around and find some free vouchers of your own for Pay Per Click advertising and similar schemes (after all, you are running a voucher code website!). So, sign up to some of these and get hold of some free Pay Per Click advertising that can be used to draw in a few visitors. It doesn’t take many to make it worth your while!
Join forums
Take part in some money saving forums and post details of those discounts that are not related to affiliates. There is a big reason here for doing this – you aren’t promoting something that you have a financial interest in. When you sign up, leave a big clue in your username as to your website address and this should generate traffic!
Provide an interest
This is another part of those non affiliate merchants. By listing them clearly around the website when visitors arrive on your website and see these merchants they might recognise them as something different, something that they are interested in. Whilst this may not draw in new visitors, it will give those that are arriving more reason to bookmark your website or subscribe to your newsletter or RSS feed. Building repeat visitors is far more efficient than building new visitors!