If you are thinking of making some money from your blog then you might have thought about selling advertising space? Is it going to work? Can you really make a little bit of cash that way? Or are you wasting your time?
For it to be worth your while working out where you can slot in some advertising in to your blog, you need to know that advertisers are going to be taking you up on the offer. Spending time and effort redesigning your blog to fit in some adverts and then not selling any adverts would be highly annoying.
So, what do you need to know first?
Well all advertisers are after one of two things. Provide either or both of these and then you are part of the way there. These are:
1) Traffic. If you blog has plenty of daily visitors then advertisers might just be willing to pay for an advertising space from you to raise their awareness within your readers.
2. PageRank Again, if your blog has some Google PageRank then advertisers may be willing to pay for a link on your blog, in order to help increase their own search engine ranking.
However, having either or both is not always everything that an advertiser wants. They also want to see a good looking website if their company is going to be seen to be sponsoring part of it.
Part of this is not over doing the advertising. Most blogs can get away with 1 or 2 advertising blocks per page. Any more than that and the blog looks spammy and it will put advertisers off.
So, where do you find the advertisers? Well you can try selling links, paid posting or just good old Google Adsense. All of these can easily provide plenty of cash as can affiliate selling. But again, will any of these work?
Well it all depends on just how how your traffic and PageRank is. If you are thinking of Google Adsense, you might be talking about a few dollars or pounds per thousand page hits. Fine if you are counting your daily hits in the thousands, but if you are in the hundreds, then the income is going to be low. However, for the effort of a single change to the page then in the long term the income might be worth while.
But with affiliate selling you really do need to be seeing thousands of daily hits to see a reasonable income, and with the rate that affiliate schemes come and go, unless you are seeing a lot of income it might not be worth the time.
As for selling links, if you are hoping to be paid to post and have a low PageRank, then there will be little popularity in your blog and low prices when you get work.
Yes, you can charge for various forms of advertising on your blog, but to be viable you need thousands of hits or a half decent PageRank.