How to Set up a Voucher Code Website
Posted by Keith LuntMay 9
Loads of people want to know how to start a voucher code website to earn a bit of an affiliate income. Well, it can be an easy way to a bit of commission. Here’s how!
Setting up a coupon code web site is easy. You just need four things:
1. An simple way of building your website
2. A name for your website and somewhere to host it
3. Some coupon codes to display
4. People to visit your site and buy from your merchants
Let’s look at each of these in turn.
An straightforward way of building your web site
You could use a DIY site building tool, but why make life hard work for yourself? It is much easier, and often done, that instead you use blogging software to develop a discount code website. You can either use hosted tools as for instance Blogger or, or download the software from and install that to your hosting space.
With most blogging software you will be able to find suitable templates, or themes, which you can use for your blog, which are free of charge. These give you the professional look that you need, without the expensive bills that might otherwise be attached.
A name and a host
To me, these go hand in hand. Even if you are using a free website hosting service, it is better to use your own web site name. It merely looks and flows better.
Going for a name should be easy to arrange. Only think of a suitable name, check it is free to register and you can buy it. But before you buy it, work out where you are going to host it, unless you are using a hosted website. If you are hosting the site, then consider how involved you want to get and could get. For instance, some hosting services can automatically install WordPress for you whilst for others will have you using FTP. Or, you may want to approach a webdesigner to help you get started.
Some voucher codes
You cannot make a voucher code website without some codes to display! So, where will you get them from? Well any respectable affiliate scheme will provide you with a list of discount codes for their merchants. So to get started, find an affiliate forum that serves your country and see what large schemes they are recommending. Sign up, join a few suitable merchants and download and display the new voucher codes. The scheme will provide for you the required code to link to the merchant. You may only need some way of removing the coupon codes when they expire.
Some web site visitors
This is easier said than done and the subject of a lot of more articles, not just a straight forward paragraph or two. But, in summary, you need to increase the search engine appeal of your website by techniques for instance article writing.
Also, join a few money saving forums, web sites and sites. Leave comments about new discount codes that you have been notified around. In your signature you might probably leave your web site address, or you can sometimes link to your site via the avatar. If you want to be very clever, make sure that the username that you sign up with includes your web site address, if it is short and straightforward.
That’s it – that is how to start a coupon code website for yourself.
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