Is It Hard To Set Up A Voucher Code Website?
Posted by Keith LuntDec 6
Is it easy to set up a voucher code website or is it something that only the very technical can cope with? Can you make some money from it, or are you wasting your time?
Is it difficult to set up and more importantly, to make some money, from a voucher code website? To answer this question, we will look at the various elements an just how complicated (or not) each each and what is involved. So, to set up a voucher code website you need to complete the following steps.
1) Create a simple website
2) Find some affiliate merchants who supply vouchers
3) Display these vouchers on your website
4) Find some visitors to use the code
How difficult are each of these steps?
1) Create a website
This can be as hard or as easy as you want it to be. At the very basic level, go to or blogger and set up a free blog and use that. There are plenty of voucher code affiliates doing just that. There is no technical know-how and your site can be up and running in 5 minutes.
If you are happy to get more involved, try the self hosted version of WordPress or even write your own custom site if you really want to. This step can be as complicated as you want it to be.
2) Find some affiliate merchants who supply vouchers
Very easy. Just look for an affiliate scheme forum that covers your country and look for recommendations for good affiliate directories. Join one or more of these and then sign up to merchants within the directory. Very easily to do, it just takes a little bit of research. Once you are signed up, many of the merchants will be emailing you with all of the new voucher details as they become available.
3) Display these vouchers on your website
How complicated this is will depend on how you have created your website. If you have used a blog, then it is as simple as creating a new post. Use your categories and tags to group together merchants to make it easier to navigate and use your website.
The only complicated part of this is getting the affiliate tracking code clicked. Some people use ‘Click to reveal’ methods, in which you have to click a button, which not only displays the code to use but also opens the merchant’s website as a link. However, although this makes sure any sales are tracked, it is technically very difficult and also not liked in many quarters. To make it easy to operate, just display the code and provide an affiliate link and maybe remind readers that if they use the link for purchases your website can keep on running.
4) Find some visitors to use the code
This is the hardest part of the process. From running Facebook groups, Tweeting latest codes, article writing, Search Engine Optimisation or just good old advertising. It is up to you how you create traffic to your website, but give some thought to it as it is the most complicated part of running such a website!
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