Monetising A Low Page Ranking Blog
Posted by Keith LuntJun 16
So you have not got much of a Page Rank for your blog, but you want to make some cash. What can you do?
If you have a brand new blog with no Page Rank and no traffic, then you need to look at our making money from a new blog article. But, if you have a poor Page Rank but you do have traffic, then there are other avenues to explore, which can be a lot more profitable.
Ideally to make the most money you need a good Page Rank and a lot of traffic. But, just one of these will make you cash and certainly a lot of traffic alone will earn money. In fact, in some ways it is the better situation and you have less risks.
In this situation you need to be making the most of the traffic and ignoring Page Rank and incoming links. There are three options (unlike high Page Rank / low traffic blogs, that can only use a version of the third option).
Affiliate Selling
Find products that your readers are likely to be interested in and mention them, along with an affiliate link, on your pages. Yes, as simple as that. What if your traffic is international? Then look for electronic products such as those provided through ClickBank.
Pay Per Click
If you have a lot of traffic then sign up for Google Adsense, grab the code for their advert units and install them onto your pages. Just a couple of blocks of adverts will do and you can be earning quite hefty sums if your traffic levels are high and the subject matter brings in good adverts. Recent reports suggest that Google is paying out between 51% – 68% of what the advertiser is paying to the website hosting the adverts, so allowing for their costs and taxes, this is a hefty proportion.
Sponsored Posting
You may think this is all about having a high Page Rank and selling links to advertisers, but it is not. There are several systems that go against this and actually add rel=”nofollow” to a lot of the links as they are just after your readers, not your Page Rank. Social Spark is a good example of this and a lot of what happens there is based on your traffic volumes, not your link building skills.
There are other sites that do the same, such as Ebuzzing, but to be honest I have never had any success with them as most of their work is for French & Spanish blogs and they appear to be struggling finding English speaking advertisers.
Don’t give up all hope if you have loads of traffic but no Page Rank. You are in an excellent position and one to be envied. Nearly all types of advertising are still open to you, but you just have to look around for the correct systems.
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That is interesting Keith, it is amazing how much revenue is generated just from simple ads on a blog. It takes a while to raise your Page Rank, but there are a lot of search engine optimization tips that will help you get there.