Constructing A Discount Web site With WordPress
Posted by Keith LuntMay 12
Making a coupon code with WordPress is one of the quickest and easiest ways of getting started with coupon codes. It is very simple, here is what to do! or
First, WordPress are no longer allowing users to use the hosted version of WordPress if they are advertising sponsored posts. How far they take this – if it gets as far as disallowing affiliate advertising – I do not know and if the state changes in the future we are not able to know. But for wellbeing, I would recommend avoiding the hosted version if you want to make sure your site will always thrive.
So we are looking at the self hosted version of WordPress. There are two options here, depending on your technical abilities. If you are happy with FTP and buying a MySQL database, then you can use any host you like. But if this sounds too complicated, then look just for hosts that will install WordPress at the click of a few buttons.
Once you have your host, then you can also buy you domain name. Along with setting up WordPress, your site is now up and running!
Finding Some Vouchers
There is no point in only displaying random discount codes if the purpose of the site is to make an income. You will merely want to display coupon codes that relate to web sites running affiliate schemes and you will merely be allowed to display approved codes. So sign up to a handful of the biggest affiliate schemes you might find and then apply to all of their relevant merchants.
They will then email you as coupon codes go live. You then merely write a new post and type in the code and all of the details. Do not bother with click to reveal – it merely annoys people. Only give the full details on your post. The affiliate scheme will provide you with banners or text links for the merchant. Just copy and paste one of these into the post.
Attracting Traffic To Your Voucher Site
Search engine optimisation techniques are budding, but will take heaps of effort! At best, probably optimising for merchant names and the word discount code might help for people looking for that merchant’s banners, but you need to build on the powers of the blogging tool.
Instead you need to build a following and this is where websites excel! If you might attract some traffic to your new WordPress site, then people will start signing up for you RSS feed. So make sure that your posts about new vouchers clearly name the merchant and the voucher, so followers can pop by when there is a voucher that appeals. But, where do you get these traffic from to begin with?
Well start taking part in other coupon code web-sites and forums. Be the first person to post round excellent codes that you know around, giving the full details on the forum or in the comment so that it does not become blatant self promotion. Only rely on the avatar linking back to your site, or adding a link in your signature.
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