Looking After Visitors
Posted by Keith LuntSep 10
Many people ask how to generate more traffic. Well, there are 2 answers. The first is quick, expensive and generates lots of traffic. The second is slow, cheap (free!) and generates a little traffic.
But let’s forget the first method, of PPC, SEO, Article Writing and so on. Let’s today look at the slow, free, low traffic method.
Sounds daft to concentrate on it? Actually, it is not. It might not work very quickly and might not give you thousands of hits, but it gives you something more important – loyal readers.
If you put some of your marketing time and effort into looking after those visitors that are on your website rather than generating new visitors, you will see a slow and steady rise in traffic.
It’s not great, but these loyal visitors will come back time and time again. They will communicate with you and leave comments. They might even tell other people about your writing, bookmark you in their social media and spread the word of your blog.
How do you look after these regular readers? It is actually very simple. Watch your feedburner stats (use it, or something similar for your RSS feeds if you don’t already) and see which posts generate most interest. Concentrate on writing these posts and you should see your regular readers coming back more often.
Look at your traffic stats and see what pages other visitors are reading and again, write more of these.
It is a slow process and it might not seem as though it works as well, but by writing for loyal readers you are building the traffic foundations of a good blog. And best of all, it is free traffic!
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